Junior software developers (minimum of at least 3 years experience in Java, Javascript, C++ or Python, C#) to participate in the meet up event.
19 March 2019
±20 aspiring junior software developers (minimum of at least 3 years experience in Java, Javascript, C++ or Python, C#), who participated in the meet-up event will be invited for the assessment, preference for black junior software developers and technologists due to B-BBBEE.
20 - 25 March 2019
±10 aspiring junior software developers and technologists (minimum of at least 3 years experience in Java, Javascript, C++ or Python, C#) who participated who completed the assessment ill be invited for the training.
1 - 5 April 2019
8 - 12 April 2019
15-17 April, 23-24 April 2019
Junior software developers and technologists (minimum of at least 3 years experience in Java, Javascript, C++ or Python, C#) will be invited to the Hackathon event.
2-4 May 2019
The winning team receives R20 000.00 (R5,000.00 per individual).
A group of junior software developers and technologists can collaborate to produce / develop a Proof of Concept with a low fidelity delivery model.
4 May 2019
±8 -10 junior software developers and technologists with blockchain technology skills, preference for black junior software developers and technologists due to B-BBEE. Or, alternatively two start up teams consisting of 4 team members will be invited to the session.
Test each team(s) Proof of Concept with Conlog's target customers
13-17 May 2019
±8 -10 junior software developers and technologists with blockchain technology skills, preference for black technologists due to B-BBEE or, alternatively two start up teams consisting of 4 team members.
Experience in blockchain technology coding (competency required). minimum of at least 3 years experience in Java, Javascript, C++ or Python, C#
Start-up(s) / team(s) have tested their technology with potential clients.
20 May – 27 June 2019
Each team has developed a validated market plan and has tested their business model
28 June 2019