Digital Twin Hackathon
Following the 2022 #cocreateMYCITY digital twin masterclass, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Africa saw an opportunity to host a hackathon around the use of digital twin as a tool to inform policy and solve local socio-economic challenges. The hackathon is carried out together with Wits University’s renowned digital incubator, Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct.
With the hackathon, we aimed to stretch the minds of South African and Dutch university students from different academic disciplines to solve relevant city problems. Participants were able to experiment with emerging technologies and improve their problem-solving abilities. The outcomes of the hackathon will potentially benefit the City of Johannesburg and improve citizens’ lives.
What is a digital twin?
A digital twin is a virtual mirror of a real-world asset, process or even an entire system, like a supply chain or city.
According to Royal Haskoning DHV the ongoing digitalisation of physical environments, organisations, institutions and societies will gradually build ecosystems of digital twin representing their assets, processes and systems. These ecosystems will help improve efficiency, lower costs, and allow us to develop more informed solutions to today’s big societal and environmental challenges.
Globally, the use of digital twin to modernise cities is becoming more well-adopted. Essentially, through the use of technology, real-world systems can be created and run in a sophisticated manner to gain insights more cost-effectively. Governments and city planners can use these systems to track, manage and solve problems before putting them into action,” explains Carol Jaji, Tshimologong Digital Skills Manager. “Virtual representations of physical objects, such as buildings, equipment or even processes, can be rendered through the installation of live sensor data to create a digital twin with capabilities that extend to streaming the movements of people and traffic in real-time.
Benefits of using digital twin
The benefit of using digital twin has been seen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands since November 2021. Following the success of the biennial #cocreateMYCITY in Johannesburg, the concept of digital twin was discussed with great enthusiasm, particularly within the context of its use as an economic development and policy tool. The Digital Twin Hackathon is an extension of this and a unique opportunity to address challenges in South Africa.
Through this collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and working with youth, we aim to innovate with South Africans, for South Africans, while leaning on the learnings that have been put to use in the Netherlands. As the project develops, we hope that it will hold great potential for scalability and positively impacting the digital and development challenges that South Africa is determined to overcome.
Problem Statements
Challenge 1: Transport Related
Traffic problems can be due to recurring and non-recurring factors. Recurring problems occurs regularly, mostly due to the excessive number of vehicles during peak hours and the currently ongoing electricity load shedding. On the other hand, unpredictable events such as weather, work zones, incidents, and special events are the causes of non-recurring problems. The accurate prediction of vehicular traffic flow is significant in aiding motorists in their decision-making process regarding the shortest possible route to their destination. The art of knowing “when and where” traffic congestion is going to occur is significant in addressing road transportation problems, as this will make it easier for transportation engineers and urban planners to allocate transportation resources to freeways or road intersections that are prone to traffic congestions. The application of artificially intelligent predictive models in the prediction of the performance of traffic flow has yielded positive results.
Using the digital twin technology, how can we estimate the increase in pollution as a result of spending more time in traffic?
How can the digital twin technology be used to determine:
- Traffic signals affected for the measurement period.
- Resultant congestion on the motorways as well as arterials.
- What is the calculated Increase in travel time compared to a non-load shed period?
- Impact on freight movement.
- Total loss of effective time in production or trade hours.
- The resultant cost to the Johannesburg Economy.
How can emergency vehicles get to their destination faster during traffic congestion?
Challenge 2: Built Environment
How can a digital hub of construction information be used to increase the circular use of construction materials by matching supply and demand?
How can Digital Twin technology be used to tell you where you can go within 15 minutes with which means of transportation?
Increasing urbanization will likely increase the risk of climate change effects. Various nature-based solutions could help cities to mitigate those effects. Digital twins enable the integration of data related to climate resilience and help policy makers in their decision-making processes. Integrating urban data might enable identifying weak spots in the city, testing the effectiveness of various interventions and help in real-time management of urban systems.
How can a digital twin be used to integrate various data sources on an urban scale to increase a city’s climate resilience and make it a more pleasant place to live?
The digital age opens up opportunities for new ways of communicating between people and government agencies. The public must be allowed to file location-based complaints. Combining digitally reported complaints with other city information into a digital twin will enable local governments to better analyse and respond to problems.
How can a digital twin be used to create a platform in which citizens can report issues to their municipality and be combined with other urban information to enhance city management?
Various research projects integrate various sources of information related to the plant to improve plant monitoring, improve long-term maintenance and enable real-time, data-driven decision-making during the plant’s operational phase.
How can a digital twin be used to integrate different data from various lifecycle stages of assets to improve the decision-making processes of asset managers during various phases in the asset’s life cycle?
Hackathon Prizes

1st Place winning team:
The 3 Trashketeers
The South African students on the team were offered the opportunity to travel to the Netherlands. The whole team got the opportunity to go on a digital twins themed excursion. The Dutch students on the team received the opportunity to interview for an internship at TNO.
PLUS R40.000 worth of educational support material for the whole team

2nd Place winning team:
Assest Management
The South African and Dutch students on the team won R35.000 worth of educational support material for the whole team.

3rd Place winning team:
Shaping Power.
The South African and Dutch students on the team won R25.000 worth of educational support material for the whole team.

Digital Twin Webinar

A webinar to unpack the value of Digital Twin and the potential it holds to solve challenges in South African cities, was hosted on October 31st. The round table discussion was moderated by Dr Calayde Davey, Lecturer, Coordinator: Professional Practice, Urban Strategy & Hatfield Digital Twin City Initiative.
Director: Albonico Sack Metacity specialising in Urban design and Regional Planning
Strategic Business Development Manager: Royal HaskoningDHV
Cluster Manager Societal Impact for Accessibility and Liveability: TNO
Associate Professor: University Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information, Science and Earth Observation ITC
Director for Urban Policy Development and Management:
National Department of Cooperative Governance
Hackathon Mentors

Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels

Mr. Alex Donkers

Dr. Léon olde Scholtenhuis

Dr. Faridaddin Vahdatikhaki

Dr. Mila Koeva

Dr. Thembani Moyo

Mr Ambrose Chikukwa

Professor Innocent Musonda

Ms. Aviwe Mandyanda

Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels
Area of specialisation:
IT in Construction; BIM; Linked Building Data; (Semantic) Web Technologies
Technical University of Eindhoven
Pieter Pauwels works as an associate professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Department of the Built Environment. He lectures several Building Information Modelling (BIM) courses and courses on Building Informatics, including expertise in all sorts of databases (relational, graph, and object-oriented DBs) and programming languages (Java, .NET, Javascript, Node, Python). In his research, he investigates how and to what extent information system support may be provided for architecture and construction. This research explores the usage of information management techniques, particularly including semantic web technologies and linked data, for design decision support. His work and interests are in information system support for the building life-cycle (architectural design, construction, building operation). He is involved in a number of industry-oriented research projects on topics affiliated to design thinking, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Linked Building Data (LBD), Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC), and Semantic Web technologies.

Mr. Alex Donkers
Area of specialisation:
Semantic web technologies in the built environment Specialisation
Technical University of Eindhoven
I’ve been fascinated by technology and the built environment since I was a little kid. While building the biggest LEGO cities in my parents’ garage, my granddad taught me how to connect light bulbs with batteries. Fifteen years later, I’m combining my passion for tech and the built environment as a PhD researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology. I perform research in close collaboration with KPN, the largest telecom company in the Netherlands. Before starting my PhD research, I obtained an MSc degree (cum laude) in construction management and engineering in 2019 and was awarded the best MSc thesis of the graduate program.
I currently research the application of semantic web technologies in the built environment. Using these technologies, we can integrate heterogeneous data from decentralized sources into rich digital twins. I created multiple ontologies and software applications to help the industry build those digital twins.

Dr. Léon olde Scholtenhuis
Area of specialisation:
Digital Technologies for Buried Infrastructure Management
University of Twente
Léon olde Scholtenhuis (’87) uncovers how the University of Twente advances digital technologies, methods, and education for safer and more efficient streetworks on buried cables and pipelines. He highlights how current underground infrastructure management is pushed to its limits, and shows how the sector collaborates to develop, trial, and implement technological innovations. Léon is assistant professor and a Teaching and Learning Fellow at the department of Civil Engineering and Management. As programme leader of the ReDUCE research unit, he develops and studies the uses of digital twins for underground infrastructure. Léon is a daily board member of the UT-Living Innovation Lab, and co-founder of the DT GeoHub. To improve digitalization and coordination of underground infrastructure systems, he works with organizations like Agentschap Telecom, Kadaster, NEN, KPN, Alliander, BAM, Siers Infraconsult, and various municipalities.

Dr. Faridaddin Vahdatikhaki
Area of specialisation:
Digital Technologies, Simulation and Visualization, Data-driven modeling
University of Twente
Farid is an assistant professor of ICT and BIM in construction at University of Twente. He is a civil engineer by training and did his MSc. and PhD in construction management at Delft University of Technology, and Concordia University, respectively. His research and education revolves around themes of Simulation and Optimization of Construction Processes, Data-driven Modelling in Built Environment, Digital Twining of Infrastructure Assets, Sensor-based Tracking/Monitoring of Construction Operations, and Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Dr. Mila Koeva
Area of specialisation:
Big enthusiasm for City Digital Twins
University of Twente
Mila Koeva is an Associate Professor at University Twente, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation ITC, the Netherlands. She holds a PhD and MSc. Degree from the University of Architecture, Civil engineering, and Geodesy in Sofia. Her career includes ten years of working as a photogrammetry department of GIS Sofia (www.gis-sofia.bg) producing cadastral and topographic maps and three years of work in a private organization Mapex (www.mapex.bg) leading three EU projects related with geodetic, cadastral and photogrammetric activities.
Her main areas of expertise include Digital Twins/3D modelling, image data acquisition and processing techniques (satellite, aerial, and UAVs), and automatic feature extraction for cadastral mapping and urban planning, among others. More specifically, her research focuses on the implementation of innovative geospatial and machine learning methods based on remotely sensed data in support of 3D urban modelling and cadastral applications.

Dr. Thembani Moyo
Area of specialisation:
Transport Planning
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Dr Thembani Moyo is a Town Planner & GIS Specialist who has extensive experience in public policy formulation, transport planning, intergovernmental relations (IGR), local economic development (LED), and urban and regional planning practice and plan-making processes. He has served on various forums and scientific committees as a reviewer, facilitator, keynote speaker, and panel discussant. His recent academic publications leverage a combination of experimental and empirical approaches to study complex problems in the field of urban planning at the interface of Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing.

Mr Ambrose Chikukwa
Area of specialisation:
Digital Transformation; Construction 4.0; Digital twins
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Ambrose has a combination of knowledge and experience spanning industry and academia. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Geomatics and was on the Academic Advisory Board of Tshwane University of Technology Geomatics Department for several years. He has completed projects across several industries (environment, engineering, health). At Animal & Plant Health Agency in the UK, he was the geospatial technical lead on several research projects that led to peer-reviewed publications.
Having spent several years in client-facing consultative role advising clients on Bentley Systems’ water, power, transportation, and mapping solutions, he built rapport with customers to an extent that he is invited to help the customer make informed and useful decisions about industry best practices, technologies and people for business transformation and operational improvement including the use of off-the-shelf or custom-built technologies.

Professor Innocent Musonda
Area of specialisation:
Building Information Modelling, Safety, Digital Twinning
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Innocent holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Management and qualifications in construction management and civil engineering. He is a C2 NRF-rated researcher in South Africa, a registered Civil Engineer (Zambia), Construction Manager (South Africa), a full member of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB-UK) and the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB). He has worked for both the public and private sector in Southern Africa. He is a full Professor of Construction Project Management, researcher, invited speaker, founder and director of the Centre for applied research and innovation in the built environment (CARINBE) based at the University of Johannesburg. Prof Musonda serves as an assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC), National Research Foundation (NRF), and has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). He is a co-chairperson of an international conference series on Infrastructure Development and Investment in Africa. Prof Musonda is a former roaming scholar at the University of Toronto on the Engineering Education for Sustainable Cities in Africa Project (EESC- A). Industry roles include being a REGCOM member of the SACPCMP and Eskom’s EPPEI EMSC lead.
His research focus is on site-to-office digital applications and BIM. Other projects include the strategic application of building information modelling (BIM) to the role of construction project management, 4D BIM to improve safety and infrastructure sustainability.

Ms. Aviwe Mandyanda
Albonico Sack Metacity (ASM)
Aviwe Mandyanda is a Director at Albonico Sack Metacity Architects and Urban Designers (ASM). She is Professional Urban Planner and Urban Designer with a BSc.Hon. in Urban and Regional Planning and a Masters degree in Urban Design from the University of the Witwatersrand.
She specialises in working with multidisciplinary teams in formulating strategic urban design frameworks, policy analysis and employing Co-Design processes at regional and local scales, with experience in Johannesburg, Durban, Maputo and Maseru. Aviwe is also a co-founder of BantuLab a collective focused on action research involving, curatorial work with a key focus on how the youth and youth culture spatialises itself in innovative ways in urban spaces. Her current work focuses on exploring innovative methods such as 3D GIS, digital surveys and social media to improve co-design processes, decision-making and spatial justice in African cities.

Dr. Calayde Davey

Mr. Gideon Treurnich

Mr. Jeroen Borst

Ms. Monique Griffith

Ms. Laurisha Naicker

Dr. Calayde Davey
Institution: University of Pretoria
Calayde holds a PhD Environmental Design & Planning from the USA and Master’s degree in Architecture from South Africa. She has worked nationally and internationally in architecture, real estate development, Lean construction management, and corporate and urban strategy. Calayde has worked in the role of project architect on high-rise projects in South-East Asia, and as a Lean facilitator for one of the world’s largest Passive Houses (90% energy-efficient real estate) residential project in the United States. She is the co-author of Mastering Lean Leadership with global expert Hal Macomber, chair of Lean Built Environment Afrika, and Director of Regen50 – Urban Strategy. Calayde is focused on the topics of African Digital Twin Cities at the University of Pretoria. Calayde teaches at various universities in topics of urbanism, city futures, built environment innovation, urban strategy, sustainable development, and the future state of the African built environment sector. She is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, UP, with a focus on Built Environment Innovation, and project coordinator of the Hatfield Digital Twin City Initiative.

Mr. Gideon Treurnich
Strategic Business Development Manager, Business Line: South Africa at Royal HaskoningDHV
Gideon Treurnich is the Strategic Business Development Manager at Royal HaskoningDHV. He is further holding the positions of Leading Professional: Governance and Partnerships. As part of the team driving the Future of Mobility, Gideon was instrumental in establishing the Mobility Center for Africa from his position and portfolio of Project Leader for the Durban Aerotropolis
Management Unit. The S’hamba Sonke Programme appointment by National Department of Transport from 2014 -2017 and his deployment as Project Manager heading up a very diverse and dynamic team on this project is one of the highlights of the recent past.
Gideon Treurnich has more than 30 years’ experience in the industry and a long and extensive background in Transportation Planning across different spheres of Government and the Private Sector.

Mr. Jeroen Borst
Institution: Cluster Manager Societal Impact for Accessibility and Liveability at TNO
Jeroen Borst M.Sc. is Cluster manager “Societal Impact for Accessibility and Liveability” in the unit Traffic and Transport of TNO: Netherlands Organization for Applied Research. His mission is to support public and private sector to manage the transitions in mobility and spatial developments to meet societal goals: Accessibility, Liveability, Sustainability and Inclusiveness.
With his background in Environmental Physics, he supervised the developed Urban Strategy, a platform to build Digital City Twins to manage urban planning, mobility planning, energy and environmental impact. Jeroen and his team applied Digital City Twins in many different cities in the Netherlands, e.g. Amsterdam, Rotterdam in Europe e.g. Belgium, Sweden and Germany and outside of Europe: New Delhi, Singapore and Portland. With the Digital Twin, TNO supports the island of Curacao in the transition of Mobility as well as Energy toward a sustainable economy.

Ms. Monique Griffith
Director of Sector Support, Growth & Sustainability at the Department of Economic Development, City of Johannesburg.
Monique D. Griffith is the Director of Sector Support, Growth & Sustainability at the Department of Economic Development, City of Johannesburg. She is responsible for developing sector interventions that stimulate economic growth. She is currently on assignment at the Smart City Office to facilitate the municipality’s transition to digital services and incorporating technology and innovation into departments operations for faster service delivery. To name a few, her recent achievements include: revising the City’s Smart City Strategy, developing its first Innovation Framework and developing the Smart City Integrated Implementation Plan for a whole-city approach. She has also directed the City’s Green Economy Strategy, the implementation of the Joburg Municipal Broadband Network and developed a Film Office for the City.
Her life purpose is to give people access to the support needed to empower their personal or economic development. She constantly seeks ways to empower youth and envisions an African Diaspora that lives to its possibilities to shape a global future of excellence.
Monique holds a Masters in Business Administration from the Gordon’s Institute of Business Science; a Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland – Baltimore; a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia and is a licensed Attorney in the States of New York and New Jersey. She has resided in Johannesburg over 20 years; enjoys spending time with her precocious 9 year old son and stays physically fit with yoga, nature hikes, jogging, cycling and dancing.

Ms. Laurisha Naicker
City of Johannesburg, Professional Town and Regional Planner, Johannesburg Metropolitan Area
Laurisha Naicker is employed at the City of Johannesburg, Development Planning Directorate, City Transformation and Spatial Planning Unit as an Officer Strategic Urban Planner. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Town and Regional Planning and has 6 years’ experience in the field. She is also an accredited Professional Planner with the South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN). Her areas of experience includes spatial policies, spatial planning and land use management, development planning, master planning, project management, and urban and rural framework and design. She is an excellent team worker with good communication skills and leadership qualities. It is her professional drive to make well-meaning contributions to spatial, socio-economic, environmental and sustainable transformation of cities and towns as well as making contributions towards the provision of rich opportunities for local and global sustainability and resilience.

Suzan Evers

Bob van der Hall

Lianne Willekers

Lara Andriessen

Marijn Janssen Steenberg

Luis Rodrigoandrés Morales

Nima Zarrinpanjeh

Inga Maria Giorgadze

Iván Cárdenas

Yue Ying

Prince Jonas

Tinashe Mazuruse

Tshiamo Lerumo

Adetayo Onososen

Kgothatso Tjebane

Lerato Mabudusha

Christopher Dzuwa

Lesego Matlhaku

Phumzile Sigonyela

Dineo Mahlare

Suzan Evers
Area of specialisation:
Urban Design & Urban Systems
Technical University of Eindhoven
Hello everyone! My name is Suzan Evers, 25 years old, and I would like to introduce myself as a junior urban researcher at the Faculty of Built Environment at the Technical University of Eindhoven. I recently graduated with my master’s degree at the same faculty on Urban Design with my graduation thesis: ‘The feasibility of the 15-minute city concept in the urban region of Eindhoven’. I grew up around this region and I currently live within 15 minutes by bicycle from the University and other essential daily amenities. My graduation project included both urban planning with GIS traffic flow analysis as well as urban design by 3D modelling and densification analysis, a combination I found most interesting. Currently, I work among other interesting health-related research, on a co-design tool to improve citizen participation and design healthy public spaces with the use of Immersive Virtual Environments. I am excited and looking forward to meeting and working with you!

Bob van der Hall
Area of specialisation:
Integrating data from different sources and creating value for different stakeholders.
Technical University of Eindhoven
My name is Bob van der Hall, I am 25 years old and I live in Tilburg, Netherlands. I studied ‘Construction Engineering Architecture’ at Avans University of Applied Sciences after which I started with a Masters in Construction Management and Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. Currently, I am writing my Thesis on Digital Twins for buildings in the operation & maintenance phase. My interests have always been in Building Information Modelling (BIM), digitization, and automation, where (big) data is playing a bigger role than ever before. My specialty is having both technical in-depth knowledge and the social/business skills to create interesting solutions for specific problems. I usually see opportunities in integrating data from different sources to create value for different stakeholders. I am a team player and I like motivating others to create something together.

Lianne Willekers
Area of specialisation:
Circularity and sustainability in the built environment, on both a city level and building level.
Technical University of Eindhoven
My name is Lianne Willekers, I am 24 years old and live and study in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I am currently doing a Master’s program in ‘Construction Management and Engineering’ at Eindhoven University of Technology. I am mostly passionate about circularity and sustainability in the built environment and spend most of my time learning about and researching new ways to make the built environment more sustainable. I have researched new technologies on both a city level, such as smart and sustainable mobility, and on a building level, such as finding ways to facilitate the reuse of building materials. Right now, I am working on a project where I look into the possibilities of digital twins for energy management. I believe digital twins can provide new opportunities to achieve sustainable goals and look forward to exploring this.

Lara Andriessen
Area of specialisation:
Construction Management and Engineering & Urban Systems and Real Estate
Technical University of Eindhoven
I am a Dutch student living and studying in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and I am driven by my love for the built environment, travelling, food, sports, and spending time with friends and family.
After finishing high-school in Germany, I travelled to Australia for a year before starting my Bachelor’s Degree in Sustainable Innovation at Eindhoven University of Technology. Living in different countries sparked my interest in travelling and sustainability. As a result, I was appointed the Sustainability and Innovation Manager of Team VIRTUe, a student team that competed in the Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 in Dubai, designing and building a sustainable house powered by solar energy. After finishing my Bachelor’s Degree, I started a double Master’s in (1) Construction Management and Engineering and (2) Urban Systems and Real Estate. Currently I am finalising my thesis on the topic of semantic 3D city models and their implementation for evaluating a city’s flood resilience.

Marijn Janssen Steenberg
Area of specialisation:
Information Management in Construction
Technical University of Eindhoven
I am a second-year Dutch Master’s student in Construction Management and Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Before my Master’s, I did a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and Construction Engineering at the Avans University of Applied Sciences – Hertogenbosch. While studying I work part-time in Building Information Modelling (BIM) Coordination at a general contractor specialised in residential construction and the restoration and redevelopment of heritage buildings. In this role I help my colleagues in using digital tools to make their work efficient and fun! Currently, I am writing my thesis proposal in which I want to explore the possibilities of semantic web technologies and linked building data in the construction phase. In my view digitalisation is essential to help with the many challenges we face in the built environment, like the measures and impacts of climate change, shortages in the housing and labour market and creating nice neighbourhoods to live in.

Luis Rodrigoandrés Morales
Area of specialisation:
Urban Planning and Management
University of Twente
Luis Rodrigoandrés Morales Ortega, is a Civil Engineer from Guatemala. Currently he is a Master of Science student in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation. His specialisation is in Urban Planning and Management at the University of Twente. In 2019 he was appointed as Professor at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, teaching Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Topography, Design and Innovation, Introduction to Mechanics Statics and Strength of Materials, Civil Engineering from 2016 – 2018, Field supervision, quality control, and physical progress of work and Planning/execution.
Luis was also a Director of Public Relationships Enactus UVG 2012 – Nov 2013. His qualifications include:
- GIS and RS for Geospatial Solutions Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente Credential ID QGIS-3258
- University of Toronto – Coursera:
- GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis
- Spatial Analysis and Satellite Imagery in a GIS
- GIS Data Acquisition and Map Design
- Bentley Context Capture · Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ·
- ArcGIS Pro · Blender
His interests include Photogrammetry, 3D modelling, Digital Twins, Parametric Modelling and Urban Planning.

Nima Zarrinpanjeh
Area of specialisation:
Smart Utility Registration
University of Twente
Nima Zarrinpanjeh is an Doctor of Engineering (EngD) candidate at the Construction Management and Engineering Department at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He received a Master’s and a PhD in Geomatics Engineering – Photogrammetry from the University of Tehran. Nima is currently working on the project “Smart Utility Registration”. The project aims to find ways to conduct a more facilitated measurement of underground utilities to approach digital underground twining.

Inga Maria Giorgadze
Area of specialisation:
Digitization in the construction sector focusing in Infrastructure
University of Twente
I am a Doctor of Engineering (EngD) candidate in the Asphalt Paving Research and Innovation (ASPARI) group at the Construction Management and Engineering Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands. I hold a Master of Science Degree from the same department and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. During the years of my studies, I have focused on pavement engineering and digitization within the construction sector. I started my research on the topic of Digital Twin during my Master’s graduation project, where I was called to build a data architecture model for a Lifecycle Digital Twin for bridges. Currently, I have expanded my research by building a Lifecycle Infrastructure Digital Twin. More specifically, the focus of the research is to visualize the asphalt condition data coherently through the pavement’s lifecycle. The objective of this project is to propose a methodology to capture, store and visualize the asphalt failure modes in a consistent and systematic way that would enable the link of the failures’ appearance with their causes.

Iván Cárdenas
Area of specialisation:
Urban Planning
University of Twente
My name is Iván Cárdenas. I am a Colombian Master’s Student on Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation at ITC, University of Twente. I did my Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering with GIS Specialisation. I am also a trained UAV pilot in Colombia.
I am passionate about maps and data visualization and using them for territorial planning and spatial information for territorial solutions. I have four years of experience in areas such as territorial development, ordering plans cartography, geodatabase structure, hydrological modelling, spatial analysis, remote sensing image interpretation and environmental impact assessment.
Another interesting fact about me is that I am Ice cream maker! Yes I know how to make ice cream, I even had a milkshake small business. I also like to spend my free time playing video games such as Overwatch, going for a bike ride or watching streamed series. Nerdy enough, I also like to do random maps and I try to sell them on Instagram and Etsy.

Yue Ying
Area of specialisation:
Property Valuation, Housing Policy and 3D Modelling
University of Twente
My name is Yue Ying. I come from China and am currently a PhD student in the Faculty ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands. My bachelor’s background is in land administration (Nanjing Agricultural University in China), and I finished my Master’s in ITC with the same major. In my PhD, I have been working on introducing 3D modelling into property valuation, in which a 3D perspective is still missing; however, in urban areas with generous amounts of high-rise buildings, the 3D aspect cannot be ignored.
My interests are cooking, learning languages, and travelling as a backpacker. Cooking makes me feel relaxed, and I cook very well (maybe only Chinese dishes). I love trying out cuisines from different countries, which I think is also a great way to explore the world. Looking forward to meeting all of you in South Africa.

Prince Jonas
Area of specialisation:
Electrical and Information Engineering with a special interest in Software Development and Signals and Systems Analyses
University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)
I am a young Electrical Engineer who aspires to be an active and innovative team player. My interests are in Software Engineering and Signals, Data and Systems Analysis for business value and industrial applications. I am seeking an opportunity where I can utilise my skills to realise new possibilities and to offer value in the professional space. I have an avid interest in data handling and software engineering and am highly interested in widening my horizon by applying the technical data analysis skills I possess in the business domain. I have excellent communication skills and I see myself as highly inquisitive. I aim to always produce the best of mine and others’ abilities. I am willing to take initiative and to proactively learn, plan and implement solutions.

Tinashe Mazuruse
Area of specialisation:
Mechanical Engineering
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
I am a qualified mechanical engineer and a certified green energy expert. I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering: mechanical engineering degree from the University of Johannesburg. I have been involved in many consulting projects over the years particularly in the design, energy and building services sectors. I have great knowledge of PMBOK Principles of project management and planning and I am also certificated in this field.
Using engineering principles and project management principles and tools; I have specifically worked in:
- HVAC and Refrigeration
- Fire Detection and Smoke Ventilation
- Water Management & Reticulation Systems
- Facilities Management
- Product Design
- Green Energy Solutions(Solar Power and other green energies)
The ability to use my ingenuity to create innovative ideas and solutions which are cost-effective and promote a sustainable greener environment makes me a standout modern engineer.

Tshiamo Lerumo
Area of specialisation:
Digital Media
University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)
I believe in bringing new perspectives, creativity, and innovation to every task. I am a digital native who believes in digital marketing technologies. I have honed my skills in creating, designing, and analysing digital content using digital tools. My background includes working as an academic tutor for first and second year media students at Wits University, as well as a research assistant and digital media coordinator. I am a Master’s student in Interdisciplinary Digital Knowledge Economies at Wits University.
I am an outgoing, creative person who believes in the power of ideas and entrepreneurship to stimulate economic growth while also creating job opportunities.

Adetayo Onososen
Area of specialisation:
Building Information Modelling, Digital Twins, Robotics, Drones
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Adetayo Onososen is a National Research Foundation (NRF) Scholar and doctoral candidate at the Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg with research interests in sustainable, resilient and responsive Infrastructure delivery, emerging technologies in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Digital Twins, Drones and human-robot teams in construction. He is the sub-editor of Journal of Construction Innovation and Cost Management (JCICM) and has published several scientific papers in both Journals and International Conferences. He currently works as a research assistant with the Centre of Applied Research and Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE), Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE), University of Johannesburg.

Kgothatso Tjebane
Area of specialisation:
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
I am Kgothatso Mahlako Tjebane, a graduate of Bachelor of Construction and acquired an honours in Quantity Surveying from the University of Johannesburg. I managed to acquire a drone license (multi-rotar), at the RPAs training academy and practiced a bit in that field. I am currently freelancing as a drone pilot and doing research in the engineering field.
Therefore this will enable my technology knowledge to correspond with my theoretical knowledge too.
I am confident this experience and my proficiency will be invaluable in enhancing knowledge development in this program.

Lerato Mabudusha
Area of specialisation:
Architectural design
University of Johannesburg
My name is Lerato Kgolane Emelda Mabudusha, I am a Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools collaboration facilitator. I am also currently employed as a Technical research assistant at the Centre of Applied Research and Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE), focusing on the implementation of BIM collaboration and robotics in construction. I am currently doing my honours in architecture focusing on birthing centres and the authority of mothers in a contemporary clinic. The project investigates the institutionalisation of birthing centres by engaging the dialogues of comparison between the contemporary clinical setting and the Bapedi traditional birthing compound.

Christopher Dzuwa
Area of specialisation:
Structural Engineering / Software Development
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
I am Christopher Dzuwa, a Malawian pursuing a Masters of Engineering in Civil Engineering at the University of Johannesburg. My interests are related to computational engineering problems. I have vast experience in virtual reality development, deep learning, computer vision, structural engineering, and hydraulic modeling. I have worked with local and international teams to solve general problems which are not even related to my field of expertise. This makes me a well-rounded problem solver who has a passion to solve society’s most pressing issues. In 2017, I worked as a research intern at Rice University and the focus during my stay in the USA was on global health challenges for developing nations. Also in 2019, I worked with LafargeHolcim and successfully researched low-carbon cement, which eventually made Malawi the first country in Africa and third in the world to complete the research with promising results.

Lesego Matlhaku
Area of specialisation:
Urban and Regional Planning
University of Witwatersrand (Wits)
Good day, my name is Lesego Matlhaku. I am a highly-motivated and resourceful Urban Planning Graduate from the Wits School of Architecture and Planning. I have a keen desire to be impactful in the Placemaking space, the idea of improving communities is very close to my heart. I have experience in the field of marketing and strategic content research and production (Particularly with Brands). I am currently looking for an opportunity to learn and contribute with my driven attitude, technical abilities and creative ideas for problem solving.
My skill set includes being proficient in project management work with a team working under me or as a subordinate myself. I am also competent in producing technical drawings on AutoCad, producing maps on ArcGIS, rendering content on Photoshop and Adobe Premier Pro. I am also very sharp and believe a culture of honesty, integrity and hard work is the bedrock of any successful organisation.

Phumzile Sigonyela
Area of specialisation:
Data Analytics
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Phumzile is an all-rounder in the Marketing industry, with a strong personality and good communication skills, developed from years of experience working with people as a sales consultant at the young age of 15 and then being a brand ambassador for different brands. Her Corporate Communication degree has enabled her to work in different spaces; Public Relations, Copywriting, and Social Media Management, where she has created innovative, effective campaigns. Currently, Phumzile is a Reporting and Visualisation Analyst, where she builds, reports and maintains dashboards on clients’ digital performances. Besides her work in Digital Marketing Analytics, she is learning skills in the “tech” space, with the aim to move into the industry as a Data Engineer.
For fun, Phumzile enjoys good music, even better company, and great food, this can be indoors or
out trying new restaurants. Reading books, listening to podcasts and astrology are some of her

Dineo Mahlare
University of Johannesburg (UJ)
I am an architecture graduate and multidisciplinary designer with a particular focus on digital product design and spatial design. I am passionate about technology and innovation. My curiosity in the fields of science, engineering, design, and art led me away from a traditional architecture career and into the transdisciplinary design. I have had the pleasure of working in a mix of domains ranging from architecture, writing, teaching, fashion design, and my current role as a digital product designer and co-founder. My consistently evolving career is sustained by one simple belief: “When we choose to be curious about the alternatives and take them seriously, we will start to think and solve problems in new ways, and we will start to see possibilities that we could not see before”. The ultimate goal of all of my endeavours is to create sustainable, enjoyable, and memorable experiences for people.